Joint pain and discomfort suck, plain and simple. Coupled with proper mobility and flexibility work, I am a strong believer in using joint support supplements to ensure proper lubrication and protection of my joints from the high frequency and intensity I utilize during training. Supplements in this category can offer a great sense of relief in joint pain and discomfort, the problem is that so many of these are highly under-dosed and not included in one product often times causing you to have to purchase multiple products and build your own stack. Personally I prefer to create my own stacks with regards to this category, as I have not found one single product with the most optimal doses for me. Here’s a complete list of items I like to stack together for optimal joint health and why:
Supplement Joint Support Stack
Glucosamine Sulfate
This is shown in multiple studies to subtly alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritic symptoms and have minor effects on increasing range of motion. There also exist several single double-blind/ cohort studies showing it may have minor effect at reducing rats of joint tissue degradation. You may also find this ingredient in other forms such as the HCL – hydrochloride form. This form has not been shown to be more effective than the sulfate form, likely due to the fact it’s missing the sulfur which is needed for cartilaginous tissue production. This is an ingredient which efficacy is highly dose dependent. I have received my best results using this ingredient at its highest recommended dose. You can purchase this ingredient in bulk supply at minimal expense.
This is an ingredient with minimal or conflicting research on its effectiveness. It’s often found paired in formulas with glucosamine for its purported effects on osteoarthritic symptoms. This one really isn’t anything to write home about. I have done solo runs at the highest doses and noted no change. That being said, it’s relatively cheap and often already combined with most glucosamine products. Jury is still out on this one, but I personally wouldn’t spend extra on it to throw in the stack if it isn’t paired with your glucosamine sulfate supplement.
If you opt for the HCL form, you may want to include some MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) to provide you with the needed sulfur for cartilaginous joint production and function, otherwise no need to throw in the stack. This one makes the list because it is often found paired with glucosamine supplements. It appears to have a minor effect on joint pain as evidenced in a single double-blind/ cohort study. It’s also usually already included in most joint support formulas, otherwise don’t worry about spending on this one.
Boswellia Serrata
This is another dose dependent ingredient with some pretty solid and notable effects on joint pain and immobility as evidenced in multiple double blind/ placebo controlled studies. While many view the studies to be relatively biased, due to them being funded by the manufacturers of the ingredient, I have had some positive anecdotal experiences with this ingredient. When dosed on the higher end or combined with some of the other ingredients in the list, it has had some pretty positive effects on joint discomfort and pain. It appears to exhibit its effects by inhibiting pro-inflammatory enzymes. You don’t have to purchase this one on its own since its often times paired with some of the above ingredients in certain formulas.
Fish Oil
This one is actually one of the superstars out of the bunch in the stack due to its myriad of health effects. But for the purpose of this blog post let’s talk about its effect on joint pain and inflammation. It contains two kinds of omega 3 fatty acids which have strong research with repeatable double-blind clinical trials on its integral role in circulating inflammatory cytokines causing a minor anti-inflammation effect. You can certainly attain enough of these through your diet, but supplementing a little extra seems to be pretty beneficial. Another ingredient with effects that are dose dependent and can be purchased in bulk at minimal expense.
This is an anti-inflammatory ingredient with notable effects on inflammation, pain as shown in multiple double-blind and placebo controlled studies. When consumed in higher doses, it seems to have some positive and notable effects on both arthritic and general pain symptoms. It should be noted that this ingredient has absolutely terrible bioavailability, so look for a supplement that pairs it with Bioperine (aka. Piperine with its main source being Black Pepper), or purchase Bioperine and stack it together.
This one is a heavy hitter and by far one of the best you can spend your money on. If you could only spend money on one of the above listed ingredients this one would tie with Fish Oil in my own personal opinion. If you were to use it for the purpose of joint and bone discomfort, than this one trumps fish oil hands down. Notable effects on nonpathological joint pain in observational based studies on this ingredient. It appears to exhibit its effects on the suppression of corticosteroid signaling and promotion of osteoblastic production. I use a bulk powder version of this supplement as it’s cheaper, and the only downside is its absolutely horrid taste.
Last but not least, we come to a topical supplement I have been using for the past two years after having been recommended by a friend. The product is called Joint Force by E-Pharm. The product purports to enhance connective tissues regeneration and provide localized analgesic (painkilling) effects. I have used this for my tendonitis flare ups in my biceps and triceps tendons with great success. It’s pretty cheap, and should last you a while. Its mechanism of action is in lowering pro inflammatory cytokines and thereby reducing connective tissue myopathies. With each flare up or muscle strain I simply apply twice a day after I have showered and noticed great relief of pain and discomfort.
There are tons of different formulas on the market that may help with joint pain and lubrication, here’s just a small sample of some ingredients with both positive anaedotyl feedback and studies behind them to support their use as Joint Support Supplements. If you want more in depth information or my own experiences on each ingredient, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email.